frequently asked questions
Where do I go on Saturday morning? Where is Check-In and Opening Ceremony?
Where and when will I get nametags and other conference materials?
Do I need to write a position paper? How do I submit my position paper?
Where do I park?
Parking information is available on our Map page: You can use the interactive map to locate campus buildings and nearby parking sites. Click on the Parking button on our Map page to view your options to purchase a short-term visitor parking payment. A valid UCSB parking permit is required at all times if you are parking on campus. This link has everything you need to know about parking at UCSB:
Where are all the conference locations for GauchoMUN XV? Where are the committees?
All the locations are on our Map page and in the Delegate Handbook. Locations for the committees can be found in both of those places.
UC Santa Barbara has a confusing campus, how do I get around?
We recommend using the interactive map or Google/Apple Maps. The interactive map was made by UCSB, so it is accurate and detailed. You can also ask anyone on campus or a member of UCSBMUN.
Where is the conference map for GauchoMUN XV? How can I find out how to get to conference locations?
You can find a map in the Delegate Handbook. If you go the Map page on this website, you can find an interactive map and a printable map. The interactive map was made by UCSB and contains all campus buildings, parking lots, etc. You can also put a conference location in Google/Apple Maps and that will give you the directions to get to that location.
How do I find specific room numbers and navigate campus buildings?
You can use Google or this website from UCSB: link. For example, here is a map of Girvetz Hall: link. First, find the name of the campus building, such as Humanities and Social Sciences Building. Then, click on the floor plan. The first number of the room number indicates which floor of the building the room is on. Using the floor plan, you can find the specific room you need to go to.
Where is the Delegate Handbook? What is that? Should I read it?
The Delegate Handbook is on this website under the Delegates tab. It contains important information about the conference, conference locations, the conference schedule, and more. Everyone who is coming to GauchoMUN XV should read the Delegate Handbook in its entirety before coming. Many of your questions can be answered by reading the handbook.
Is there a GauchoMUN XV-specific guide for parliamentary procedure?
No. Please read the Delegate Handbook. It contains important information about committee. Any information that you need to know regarding parliamentary procedure will be in the Delegate Handbook.
Where do I eat?
You can eat at The Arbor, but we recommend eating in Isla Vista. IV has many restaurants and is walking distance from conference locations. Here are some recommendations: IV Bagel Cafe, Zocalo, The Habit, Freebirds, Starbucks, Sizzling Lunch, Dank Bowls, and Su's Bowl.
What will the Delegate Social be like? Will dinner be served?
Dinner will not be served, only chips, juice, and light refreshments. Please make separate arrangements for dinner. The Delegate Social will be a fun event where delegates can hang out with each other and do some activities. There will be music and vibes.
Where is the schedule?
The schedule is in the Delegate Handbook and is on this website under the Logistics tab.
When do I need to pay by?
Have background guides been released?
Yes! Please visit your committee's page on this website to access background guides.
What if I have more questions?
Please read the Delegate Handbook and go through this website. This website contains important information that may answer your questions. If you still have a question, please email